Tuesday, September 18, 2007

One can never have too many nonsensical tote bags

I love Engrish. It's often hard to remember the best nonsensical English found printed on goods sold in Asia, so why not have something unforgettably emblazoned on your tote bag, which, by the way, you can use to replace those pesky plastic bags that have been crowding the space under your sink? One of my favorite engrish phrases: Beautiful day. Birds feel at ease. What do you like? Which actually makes perfect grammatical sense, but is just so innocently random.

Mod Cloth offers these affordable bags, and a lot more. I like them. Read more hilarious engrish at www.engrish.com.

On a side note, I hope engrish.com's supply of good examples doesn't dry up with Beijing's recent attempts to stamp out poor english in the lead up to the 2008 Olympics. Read the story here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Chinatown Coffee--An Acquired Taste

Well, I'm off to New York for a few days to visit my family and spend some time in Manhattan's Chinatown. I love the steamy, greasy delis, bakeries and noodle shops that abound there, and the hot, sweet coffee they serve. By now they should be selling a lot of mooncakes--I'll report back on that! These cups are such a witty reminder of those iconic Chinatown coffee cups, and now they're forever memorialized in porcelain, for those of the New York diaspora. Now that I live in Seattle, the land of coffee snobs, I'm looking forward to slurping down a cup of too-sweet, non-gourmet Chinatown coffee.